The LEAGUE Tech Club
The LEAGUE Tech Club runs free and low cost introductory technology classes at schools, libraries, rec centers and companies all over San Diego County, giving San Diego students an opportunity to explore their interests in programming, robotics and electronics.

Introduction to Python Programming

Introduction to Java Programming

Robotics and Microcontrollers

Each Tech Club class is about an hour long and introduces students to basic programming concepts such as functions, loops and variables.
Python. This introduction to Python starts with simple Turtle graphics, but also covers the core aspects of programming, including variables, loops and functions. Students finish the class writing real programs in the world’s most popular programming language. This class is suitable for students as young as 4th grade.
Java. Java is also one of the most popular languages, and it’s the language used in AP Computer Science and FIRST Robotics. This class starts students with both a professional programming language and professional development tools, including GitHub and Visual Studio Code. This class will be most interesting to students 6th grade and older.
Micro:bit Microcontrollers and Robotics. Micro:bit is a tiny computer that kids can program to display images, play music and send messages. The Micro:bit can be programmed in Block language, Python or Javascript, making the class fun and engaging for all levels
Javascript. Our Javascript class is similar to our Java class, but uses a simpler online programming environment, so it teaches all of the same concepts, but without the extra component of professional development tools.
Tech Club at Your School, Company or Library
The LEAGUE offers Tech Club classes as part of our mission to give every student in San Diego County an introduction to programming, so the classes are free and we are eager to run them where ever we can, including your local library, rec center, school or company. If you are interested in bringing Tech Club classes to your area, please contact our Executive Director, Eric Busboom at 619 889 7571 or
Support the Tech Club
Your donation of $250 can start kids on the path of a STEM career by sponsoring a Tech Club event at a library, rec-center or school in their community.